Digital Leaders
Digital Leaders is a program for students interested in helping others to learn to use the school's technologies. Students from Years 2 to 5 commit to the program by attending Technology workshops to earn badges for skills in a specific technology (Sphero, Ozobot, Makey Makey, LittleBits, Beebot, drones). They also earn badges in leadership by helping to run breaktime clubs, participating in workshops for visiting adults and helping to run our annual Kids Teach STEM conference.
Digital Leaders embed their leadership by assisting teachers in the setting up and troubleshooting of technology, by mentoring students and being knowledgeable hosts for important visitors. They have helped showcase technology at DECD Expos and run student-led workshops for the school's STEM Lead Learning days. They are role models for other students and are often seen in action wearing their distinctive yellow lanyards around our school.