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Early Years Play

Curiosity, Creativity and the need to communicate and belong are central to a child’s development of basic skills. Children naturally explore their environment to make sense of what is around them. Having learning environments, indoors and outdoors, that foster and invite curiosity, that are immersive and promote creativity allow children to develop at their own pace and manipulate, experiment with, pose and solve problems within the curriculum during real life and relevant experiences.
Our youngest students come to school as capable, curious and creative. We need to ensure that the skills learned in kindergarten of self-management and being in control of their environment are not lost. Our environment and investigation time  exposes students to a range of personalised learning experiences that invite curiosity and creativity. These experiences are used to enhance their speaking and listening, reading/viewing, mathematics and writing development. It is also designed to give the students experiences that will build their understanding of the world through the Australian Curriculum.  
 Teachers use sophisticated questioning techniques to help guide children in their enquiries and to assess the learning that is taking place. Teachers use an observation checklists and the See Saw app to record learning and development when they interact with students during the personalised learning program.  
 Teachers have very explicit outcomes that they are looking for in each child and they keep records of    these as they are observed.